Think I’m making up this stuff I’ve been ruminating on?
Looky here:
I find Christians particularly offensive. Everyone is going to burn in Hell except them. They have no respect for any other religion. In fact, most Christians hate most other Christians. . . It’s a very dishonest religion and has a holier than thou culture where they believe they are better than everyone else. They like to pose as persecuted, but more often than not they are the persecutors. They tend to lie and steal a lot because they are “forgiven” and therefore can indulge in sin. The religion is theoretically based on the Bible which is, quite frankly, a stupid book, and certainly not written by a God. But Christians hardly follow their own teachings and are more likely to cheat and steal than your average person off the street. . . If Jesus could see what Christianity has evolved into, he’d be spinning in his grave!
—Taken from Church of
How do you change that?
We’d best find a way. . . soon.