A younger friend of mine yesterday posted a tweet yesterday that described me to a tee. My response to him cajoled a chuckle.
I was serious.
First, a “tweet” is what you do in “Twitter.” Twitter is an online service where you have 140 characters to describe what you’re doing, thinking, etc. You can access it on your computer or on your phone. I’ve found it to be an amazing tool and quite entertaining.
That brings me to second: thanks @wes_rose! (That’s the way of addressing folks who’ve “tweeted” on “Twitter;” funny, huh?!
Now back to the tweet:
Is it bad that as a 23-year-old I still feel like a boy ready to take over the world?
My response:
Is it bad that a 50-something still feels like a boy ready to take over the world?
Does life really begin when your age equals the speed limit?