I’ve been asked by more than my fair share of folks, including my wife, why would I waste my time ot the social interaction tool called “Twitter.”
Seems that many a folk has been asked the same question.
Preaching and witnessing were the original means of spreading the gospel. Later, the printed word, radio and television became key media for sharing the good news. Many Christians have now embraced a new tool: Twitter. (Champion Newspaper)
Removing the “interesting” etiquette, can 140-characters really do anything for Jesus? That is all you’re allowed in a “Tweet,” or posting, 140 characters.
For those who don’t know about Twitter, it’s a free online social networking service that allows users to send and read messages called tweets. Text is limited to 140 characters and appears on the author’s profile page. Those who subscribe to someone’s Twitter profile—known as a follower—could receive the tweets. Celebrities typically have hundreds, sometimes thousands, of online followers.
Since its launch in 2006, Twitter has grown to more than 32 million users, including prominent pastors.
It can make a difference. I’ve used in across two continents to further Kingdom activity.
Tech-savvy Christians have wasted no time in using this new medium. At the Frankfurt Book Fair, attended by the largest publishing houses around the world, they debuted the so-called Twitter Bible. It summarizes the Bible’s more than 31,000 verses into almost 4,000 short tweets. The Bible is officially titled And God Decided to Chill.
WWJT… (What Would Jesus Tweet)
…by most accounts, it has been an effective tool, especially for reaching a generation of young people who may never open or even own a traditional Bible.
Doesn’t that make it worthwhile?