Now this is the kind of guy you just have to love.
Larry Murray has been involved with the work in Ubaúna since the very first day. In fact, you might say that he is the one who jump started it.
Larry is a unique breed – a drywall contractor. We sincerely try not to hold that against him because those skills can come in quite handy at times.
If prayer, money, effort are needed, he is the very first one to jump in and commit wholeheartedly. As he once told me: “If God has given you the vision, and if I trust you, who am I to not do what He says to do?”
I’ve watched him crying and praying over the people in Ubaúna. I’ve seen him in great discomfort physically while there, but he’s never complained. I’ve observed him, head in hands on an airplane returning to the U.S., distraught that the people we’d just brought into the Kingdom had no one present to help them grow in their new life.
Larry is the type and quality of fellow that God is calling out to spearhead this adventure in Brasil’s arid northeast. Do you hear Him calling you?