I tend to work backwards. I attribute that to having studied Hebrew back in the late ’70’s (yes, I am THAT old!) — Hebrew is read and written “backwards,” from right to left. You open the Hebrew Bible at the back, or at least by our way of looking at it, not the front. So, blame Dr. Jack Lewis — it’s his fault!
Working backwards, I tend to start at the latest, most obvious first. From there I go forward (that is, backwards). Am I confusing you?
My latest unsung hero is actually a heroine. And she even has a superheroine costume to prove it!
Meet Tiffany Poston.
Tiffany has jumped into the pool at the deep end and doing her absolute best to become indispensable! She is succeeding…
Tiffany went with us to Ubaúna in July and was the first to find one of the tiny little spiders who wanted to be close to us. Something strange happened to her while there — she fell in love with the people. Some of the most adorable pictures we’ve taken are of Tiffany with the kids (check out the flickr.com link to the right); I do believe they’ve stolen her heart.
I was telling her of some of the things that needed to be done and weren’t and she immediately volunteered to help. Just as an example, Wednesday she spent more than an hour on the phone calling folks and asking for donations for chairs to be used in the new worship center in Ubaúna. In an hour’s time she came up with 10 chairs! Is that cool or what!!!
Friday she spent the entire day working on photos of the children in Paxólas so we can begin the Adopt-A-Child program to feed the kids in earnest. All day! 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. What an animal!
She did cheat, however; she’s already chosen the child she wants to support 🙂
She wants to do whatever needs to be done… I call that holding up my arms!
Do you think you have what it takes to be a hero?