Sometimes the best laid plans just don’t work out.
My plan to blog consistently while in Ubaúna was an absolute flop. The internet connect was less than borderline; that means, it sucked! The backup plan of using Facebook and Twitter also failed; the type of signal just wouldn’t allow a more active connection to take place.
The only thing I could do “consistently” (and I put that between quotes because it wasn’t) was send text messages. Even that was marginal. I keep losing signal and the “No Service” indicator was lite more often than not. If I tried sending a text with more than just a few recepients, it would not work.
Oh, well.
I’ve bored you with all of this to state that I’m going to post the blogs I wrote on a daily basis in the order I wrote them. I hope they will still be of interest to you. Sitting here in an air conditioned room in Fortaleza it feels somewhat surreal, but I think it was surreal in real time!
Stay tuned. More details in blogs, and in photos, are in the process of being created.