Yesterday morning I was having a get together with a couple of guys.
It was intense. It was good. It was holy.
Last night at supper my wife asked me, “Who was that guy in there with you this morning?” She’d come to the office with me and was working in the back. We guys were meeting in the “glass room” in the front of the office. While we were meeting, she came out to the front to get something, glanced over to the glass room where we were, then went back to where she was working.
Her query was in regards to the fifth person in the meeting who she didn’t know. My quizzical look caused her to describe him to me: athletic-looking, short blond hair, 30ish, medium to tall in stature. And, he was smiling an amazing smile. “I think he came with Kim (one of the fellows in the gathering),” she added.
I thought she was joking.
“What?” she asked indignantly.
“There were only four of us there,” I said.
“No, there were five of you. I thought it was neat that Kim had brought along a young friend.”
I’ve heard something like this before.