Dang! I just can’t let it go today . . .
I’ve been perusing the almost 2,500 photos that the team took while in Brasil and this has created some hard-core flashback stuff. I’m not even back for 24 hours and I’m already tripping on what took place.
I am blessed to be associated with some absolutely awesome folks. I wouldn’t be afraid to go into any situation with any of them. We experienced some really powerful stuff, the kind of stuff that makes your hair stand up on end and goosebumps to run dragstrip races up and down your spine. Each one of these guys (sorry gals, you’re a “guy” for this discussion) engaged the enemy like David taking on Goliath. Though frightened (just like Joshua was), when I yelled “charge,” they did! We saw the enemy get his butt kicked, and I do mean literally. Even though he counterattacked, we did too. As we stood on the Evil One’s home turf, from which he temporarily retreated, we yelled, whooped, danced, and sang praises to the Jesus Lord until we were hoarse. Though the war isn’t over yet, we now are absolutely confident of the final outcome.
JP, Brad, June, Arimar, Jeff, Rodrigo, Valgledson, Allison, Valdimário, Antônio and Edileusa, thank you for allowing me to serve with you!
For those of you who are inspired by what they accomplished or will be inspired by what they accomplished as you learn more, and are interested in a future trip, please let me know.