3 missing, 5 killed in attack on U.S. patrolBAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) — American troops were on the hunt in a volatile region south of Baghdad for three members of a U.S.-led military patrol, who went missing after an insurgent attack Saturday that killed five others.The U.S. military said attackers struck the team of seven U.S. soldiers and an Iraqi army interpreter.It was unclear whether the Iraqi was among the missing or among those killed, and it is not known whether the interpreter was a soldier or a civilian employee.
U.S. forces are using all assets in their search for the missing troops, who are listed as duty status whereabouts unknown, the military said.
It’s easy to say “stay.” It rips your heart out when open your computer and see this. Want to get inside a parent’s head when he sees this:
Could my son be one of the five? Could he be one of the three? Is he safe? Information! I want more information! Wait, always wait…”names are not being released until the next of kin have been notified…”
Based on where my son is supposed to be, he wouldn’t be involved. That’s my head talking. Based on what he’s told me, he could be anywhere at any given time. Until I get an “I’m ok,” I’ll be a bit more jittery than normal. That’s my heart talking.
Regardless of what you think about this war in Iraq, please don’t forget that it is not taking place in a vacuum. Those are real people dying there, both Iraqis and Americans. And don’t forget the families of our soldiers who are walking on pins and needles back here.