We hit Manaus a little before midnight. I do believe “hit” is the correct word. Flight uneventful, other than the turbulance that threatened to drive the plane into the ocean. Folks getting sick all around us, oxygen being administered — rather exciting actually.
Food — prepared by a cook with no taste buds. ‘Nuff said.
Dropped into Belem around 3:00 a.m. Saw a beautiful sunrise at 37,000 feet and finally made our entry into Fortaleza at 6:05 a.m. Enjoyed the typically fantastic breakfast at our hotel.
Are we some kinda tired! Some folks (we won’t mention names, at least not yet!) are getting an eye-full. Be sure and ask pastor Jeff and Brad about the calm, easy-going nature of Brasilian driving. If I remember correctly, the comments ran from “I thought I was going to die!” to “What idiot would ride a motocycle down here?!”
We going to try to get to a beach this afternoon and have crab. Everybody gets a stick. Should be interesting . . .