Ninety-one percent? Ninety-one percent? Are they crazy?
The Brasilian congress recently voted themselves a pay raise of 91%. The judicial branch came back and said they couldn’t do that. But it took them more than two weeks to declare the pay raise illegal (duh!)
I’m curious as to what these “representatives of the people” were thinking? Could it be that they thought they deserved such a raise because their hard work produces so much for the country? Might it be that they thought they are the executives of the country and deserve salaries that are in line with that of the executives of Petrobras, Embratel, Volkswagon, or Banespa?
When the minimum salary rose only 46% in 3 years, the politicians must be of special importance to Brasil to merit their salaries goin up by 91%. What other explanation could exist to explain why their poor little salaries should jump from R$ 12,847 per month to R$ 24,500?
This was an affront to the people of Brasil. An insult. A spit-in-your-face, shoot the bird, go to hell, drop dead, we could care less about you type of response.
An even greater insult is that they voted this increase for themselves by themselves.
Who do they think they are?
Maybe a better question should be, who do the Brasilians think they, the people, are? Do they deserve this type of insult? Are these politicians the coroneis of old who ruled over them, taking advantage of them with impunity?
Acorde Brasil! (Wake up Brasil!)