The Israelites were puzzled when they saw it. “What is it?” they asked each other. They had no idea what it was. —Exodus 16:15
I’m glad I wasn’t Moses. I would have snuck off when the Israelites weren’t looking, gone back to my father-in-law’s house, and let them die in the desert. Dang! Talk about hard-core complaining!
Reminds me a lot of church.
Well, let me better define that. It reminds me a of a lot of churches I know and of a lot of folks who claim to talk the talk but don’t walk the walk as Jesus-followers. I know the type well. I helped define the mold.
Here are a group of people who’ve just seen the Lord Jehovah kick the butts of Pharaoh and the Egyptians, one of the mightiest powers on the face of the earth at that time. I don’t mean a little disturbance, we’re talking national calamity. Total destruction of the country’s infrastructure, food supply, armed forces and the deaths of the President, Chief of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (and all the Chiefs) and primary political figures. The nation has been brought to its knees.
The amazing part? It was on behalf of the Israelites! The very ones who’re gripping about being hungry. Now, excuse me! If I’d just seen the equivalent of a country like the US be totally devastated by an Almighty Being just so that I might be freed from slavery, I would like to think that I could be patient until He’s got breakfast ready. (I probably wouldn’t 🙁 )
Such is human nature. Doesn’t matter if it is in Egypt, the US, or Brasil. Our “inner person,” the real “me” is selfish and self-serving. The only thing that can change that is an encounter with the Jesus-Lord. The only thing that can maintain it is a continual consumption of “What is it” — manna, or more particularly, the Spirit.
Even after wiping the Egyptians totally out of the Israelites’ lives, Jehovah was concerned about their day to day existence. All He asked from them was simple [KEY word] obedience. Period. No hard tasks to complete, no mountains to climb, no armies to fight, just simple obedience. Their response? “Feed me!”
I am blessed to be part of a community that lives in awe of the Jehovah-God’s actions. Both leadership and membership is rabidly dedicated to taking the “What is it?” [manna] and turning it into a virtual Golden Corral breakfast buffet so that everyone will be full. The purpose of breakfast? Give you the strength and energy to take on the day. The purpose of community? Ditto!
Moral of these ramblings? Don’t be puzzled by what the Jesus-Lord is putting on your plate. Grab it and get on with the life He has planned for you. Or, put in a more Joe-ish manner, get your butt in gear — the Jehovah-God is waiting for you!