We went airborne from Miami around 7:30 last night and touched down in Fortaleza around 7:30 this morning. Because it is one hour ahead of eastern daylight time, that adds up to 11 hours in the air, on the ground, in the air, on the ground, in the air, and finally on the ground. Whew! That is a long time to be in a seat that is 28 inches wide with leg clearance of not much more.
Caravan from the airport was four taxis carrying 18 bags, 9 people, and 4 taxi drivers. No on arrived at the airport sleepy… most had very white knuckles! Nascar in Fortaleza after a l o n g uncomfortable night… refreshing! 🙂
Jessica said she’s tired, Cody is hungry, Bara is wiped and Tiffany is, well, Tiffany.
Current game plan: go to bed!
P.S.: the climate here in Fortaleza is fabulous! This is THE best time to be in Fortaleza. Just so you’ll know that we are suffering for Jesus, we just had a breakfast that rocks, including, according to Jeff Kapusta, the best coffee on the planet as we watched the nice blue ocean between the coconut palms. Suffering for the Kingdom isn’t for the faint of heart! 🙂