I love spam!
It is just so, well, helpful.
People I don’t even know are trying to assist me in so many different ways. I don’t know where the pundits get off about our society becoming rude and uncaring. If that were indeed the case, how can you explain strangers trying to help me buy the right stock, the one that will absolutely with no doubt be a winner when the market opens tomorrow morning. Why, they even encourage me to not wait and take advantage of this amazing deal immediately.
I’ve had individuals I’ve never met being so concerned over my possible lack of a social companion that they’ve sent me many emails trying to help. Obviously they couldn’t have known that I was married, and happily so. But in their concern for me, they’ve email me invitations to met with people of the opposite sex who seem to be quite friendly, and interesting. They urge me to contact them to set up a mutually convenient time for a meeting.
But the icing on the cake that puts to rest once and for all the myth that people just don’t care is the desire to help me to rise above the ordinary and common place and become a superstud. Just read:
Why be an average guy any longer?
Over a million men have been helped with the potent
ingredients in Pen_is Growth Patch – men have experienced
bigger size, more action, and super-satisfying results
for themselves and their partners. Don’t be left behind!
Can you believe that strangers would be that concerned about me? They’ve already helped more than one million people make better business decisions that have enhanced both themselves and their business partners. One million! That is staggering! It appears that all you have to do is put on this patch and, without even going to the gym to workout, you can develop muscles and a good-looking body. They seem so sincere that they encourage me not to wait so I can stop being average quickly.
I’m just a little perplexed, though. I’m not sure what this “Pen_is Patch” thing is. Appears that they accidentally left out a letter. Maybe they’ll email me again with the full information; seems their email wasn’t sent to me correctly. Every time I try to send a response it just comes back saying “undeliverable.”