I follow several different blogs and folks on Tweeter who are avowed atheists.
I find much of their expression of and on spiritual matters to be entertaining, confusing, enlightening and, often, correct.
Their view of what we blithely label “christianity” reflects their experience. They just happen to have been sufficiently disenfranchised by the system to the point that they’re upset and are willing to verbalize that anger/frustration. As I peruse their thoughts, I readily admit that they are right and even find myself in their bleachers, cheering for their team. I do not want to be associated with the enemy that they see in christian religion.
The funny thing is, neither did Jesus.
My experience has taught me that what they fear in christianity should indeed be feared. I know intimately how the christians shoot their wounded and don’t even bother to bury the body. I know first hand the hatred they spew like the vomit of a drunk hugging a toilet.
I suppose that is why I have such an affinity with these so-called atheists.