Some folks are connoisseurs of fine wine. Some have developed exquisite tastes in fine cuisine. Still others are aficionados of art or music.
I’ve discovered that I’m enchanted and enthralled by worship.
I don’t mean “going to church,” singing contemporary “worship” songs or any other tinny imitations that are passed off as some sort of glorious manifestation of awe of the Almighty. I’m not referencing fancy musical productions, rock bands blaring their love of Jesus nor timeless hymns purveyed by 100 piece orchestras.
It was reported to King David that God had prospered Obed-Edom and his entire household because of the Chest of God. So David thought, “I’ll get that blessing for myself,” and went and brought up the Chest of God from the house of Obed-Edom to the City of David, celebrating extravagantly all the way, with frequent sacrifices of choice bulls. David, ceremonially dressed in priest’s linen, danced with great abandon before God. The whole country was with him as he accompanied the Chest of God with shouts and trumpet blasts. —Samuel
Wild abandon, grabbing the blessing, extravagantly. Have you ever experienced that? Seriously?
Once you do, there’s no turning back.
David put it this way:
Oh yes, I’ll dance to God‘s glory—more recklessly even than this. And as far as I’m concerned…I’ll gladly look like a fool. —Samuel