Sometimes I’m not a very good judge of actions to take.
My wife thinks it’s a man-thing.
I see that other males have a similar dilemma…
While at the mall this morning, I watched an older couple in the men’s department at Penny’s. The man obviously was interested in a particular shirt. He even pointed it out to his wife: “Look hon! That’s the pattern I’ve told you about. I’d love to get that shirt.”
Wife steps in front of hubby and begins going through the folded shirts. Hubby’s size isn’t there. Wife looks at mannequin and discovers it is wearing her hubby’s size. Wife begins to disrobe mannequin. Hubby, horrified, cries out: “Don’t!” Wife, not stopping, tosses back over her shoulder in hubby’s direction: “Be quiet! If they had enough help I wouldn’t have to strip the dummy!” Wife hands hubby the shirt and says “try it on!” (not a request, a command), man looks at nude mannequin, shakes his head from side to side and begins to put shirt on over his shirt. Wife freaks: “What are you doing??? Are you a dummy? (interesting question) Go to the dressing room and try it on!” Her voice is high and shrill; she definitely caught the attention of bystanders. Man turns red, hangs head and shuffles off behind wife. Wife’s fading words: “I can’t believe that you are that stupid…”
I felt his pain…