Sometimes pictures can bring tears to the eyes. These two are excellent examples.
What’s so unique about them?
See the t-shirts?
They say “Gospel for Brazil” in Portuguese. They represent an impact being made on a small village that four years ago had no clue about the “abundant life.” What was once an unknown now has walking billboards going up and down its streets boisterously every day.
More emotionally, the kids in these pictures were in rags, literally. Hungry, unknown (not simply forgotten), living in misery. The girl above on the right was the one who stole my heart in February 2004. Filthy, smudged face, vacant look in her eyes, she has been transformed.
Her transformation by the love of Jesus has been remarkable; her transformation by your interest and support of her has given her hope.
Today marks four years to the day when the vision of Gospel for Brazil was born. Today, four years later, is a day of absolute excitement for what is on the horizon.
Thanks for being along for the ride…